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SUPER POWER 7, unveiled

I am thrilled to announce that my most recent endeavor is now available for students to experience.

is a series of creative, on-line classes, taught by me/Tamlin.

The first series is ‘How to be a Super Power in 7 easy lessons’.

These 7 art classes are part of a curriculum I developed for younger students to teach them the basics of grounding, setting intentions, listening to UP, and moving their sparkle. The series comes with a book and video classes automatically coming to your email over a period of 5 weeks.

These lessons give kids the tools to recognize and utilize their power with proven methods not taught in schools.
Don’t get me wrong, all these concepts are good for any age, it just seems logical to start with kids, have them teach the adults in their life, and spread this essential information from the ground up.

Once we understand the fact that ‘Energy Follows Thought’ my students learn that they have a SUPER POWER they didn’t even know they had.

Having said all that…

So, if you feel a nudge, or know kids that would enjoy these Super Power 7 classes, you can go to:  to sign up.
Visit my newest Face Book page ART with Tamlin while you’re there.

It’s all GOoD,

PS. I was recently asked what MY Super Power is. My answer is my next post.


Author Tamlin

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