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Are you PREPARED ???

By February 26, 2020March 1st, 2020Tamlin's real life

I recently had a class at my home about “being prepared” for anything that may come our way.

Fires (in home and wild fires)
Civil unrest
Nuclear detonations

Who knows what might happen in our future and I believe it’s good to prepare WITHOUT FEAR.

It’s always a good beginning to access how likely an event may happen where YOU live AND what the impact could be (immediate or slow occurring).
I have had a preparedness bin since Don and I were trained by the RED CROSS in Florida. We learned how to handle many different disasters but we let our certifications go when we moved to Alabama. What we learned was important information for a world of many different possible disasters.
Part of the assessment is how comfortable are YOU in this preparedness process and what does YOUR intuition tell you to do.

I opened my Grab-and-Go bin to show what I have accumulated for a ‘2 week situation out of our home’. (That’s in my comfort zone).
A unique exchange began. It appears there are many more up-dated products than I have in my bin. (Tablets for water purification, etc.)
The next presenter was more seriously involved with the ‘Threat Assessment’, as he called it.
He showed us what a year of rations and protection would look like. He was serious and prepared.

The friends & neighbors at this gathering all had different perspectives of the way they wanted to handle the information given.
Some wanted to simply buy more flashlights and some wanted to purchase water pills and hornet spray. Some were interested in pin-point lasers for their guns.
Everyone has a different comfort zone but ALL were grateful for the info and handouts. It’s all about being aware.

In association with the preparedness class, the next day we had CPR training.

Stayin’ Alive  beat X 30,
Two breaths in (only with mouth piece)
and AED practice

Because of the unstable weather AND government, I believe we ALL need a PREPAREDNESS up-date.
Info can be downloaded easily and a fun and informative, hands-on group gathering is essential to keep us all aware.



Author Tamlin

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