Try this art class and visualize your answer.
The INSIDE//OUTSIDE BOX is the most creative way to find out.
Using a 4″x 4″ box (or anything close) and as many art supplies that you can muster:
1.) Decorate the outsideĀ how you want people to see you.
2.) Decorate the inside how you really feel.
(The examples below are from patients in a rehab center
so the examples may be more extreme than yours).
Outside= flowers, pearls, on pink and yellow
Inside= all dark with a black rose stuck to the bottom.
If the inside is completely different from the outside, chances are you are superficial.

Outside= clowns, smiles, glitter
Inside=black, stuffed netting, and scary feelings
So, try this art class. Be honest with yourself and see what YOU come up with.
You will be amazed !!!
PS. These art classes are NOT therapy and only a way to visualize your thoughts and feelings.