…was even better than I planned.
And I planned a lot.
I spoke at 3 venues, 2 of which were full-day workshops, making visual aids to take home and use the very next day.
“How to identify Red Flags in troubled Teens,
through ART”
That was my topic and the response from my attendees was overwhelmingly positive.
Teachers, care providers, school counselors, therapists, probation officers… ALL walked away with my
‘Art with a Purpose’ packet which included my work-book, (with directives and lesson plans), art supplies and assignments ready to copy.
ALL are immediate resources when a student/client/patient is having a meltdown. These ART BINS are my way of teaching facilitators which lesson to choose for specific circumstances.
Let’s start with ART !!!
Here I am in Espanola, NM (in the oldest church in the US, reportedly) at a ‘People of Substance’ Summit, where 80 professionals attended. The panel conversation was extraordinary.
I feel so blessed that I had the opportunity to share my wisdom with these people.
Thanks to the Rio-Arriba County Health and Human Services who hired me to make these presentations.
Also, a BIG thanks to TrueKids1.org who interviewed me and videoed my presentations. Their videos are shared above via my Art with Tamlin YouTube Channel.
A heart filled with gratitude,