Try this art class and visualize your answer. The INSIDE//OUTSIDE BOX is the most creative way to find out. DIRECTIVE: Using a 4″x 4″ box (or anything close) and as many art supplies that you can muster: 1.) Decorate the outside how you want people to see you. 2.) Decorate the…
ART Students help to “anonymously” spread joy around Fairhope. How would YOU feel if YOU found one of these art rocks? Just sittin’ there on your path and suddenly in your eyesight. “It’s the nudge that draws you to it”. That is the meaning//reward behind this PAY-IT-FORWARD art class. YOU…
Capturing every thought. Not as easy as it sounds. Another helpful art lesson is also one of my student’s overall favorites. Puppets help us recognize our state of mind. It all comes back to the Law of Attraction. We draw to us what we continually think of. Good or bad….
Being your “real self” is the definition of AUTHENTIC. But, how do we know who we really are, especially if we are only a kid? Or perhaps we are an adult and still don’t know who we are going to be when we grow up. Try this art class and…
What could be stolen from you? By completing the first art class you know where you are NOW and where you want to be in the FUTURE… (if you didn’t do project #1 yet, I suggest you do it now, for much needed information). So, let’s do the second art…
Empower yourself through ART Don’t know where to start helping yourself ???#!!??**#?! The best way is to know where you are NOW, then, where you where you want to be IN THE FUTURE… before you can measure your success. This is the FIRST art project I do to help me…
I am known to help my students discover more about themselves through ART… in rehabs, community programs, schools, team-building, in families, couples, kids… But I also do art projects… JUST FOR THE FUN OF IT. I BELIEVE ART HELPS YOU LEARN ABOUT LIFE: (many of these are the National Core…