The FIRE was in 2011. All was lost. Here is the story from my memoir: Chapter 31: Boxes of Memories, (page 237) In June 2009, God had sent me my BIG love. I was in my golden years and I was truly thankful. A gentle man who loved me for…
Excerpt #2 from my memoir. Continuing the DOLL story from my last blog. One day while living in my Nassau Bay beach house, I was working on a doll of a darling little girl with long dark hair and big blue eyes. Her grandmother had commissioned me to finish it…
Most of you know that I wrote my memoir a few years ago. There are many stories that I would love to share with you. This is the first one. Excerpt from Chapter 14: Making Dolls (page 91) I never really played with dolls as a kid. My time was…
Because I mentioned in my 2018 Christmas Letter that “I am still studying ENERGY HEALING” I feel the need to share with those who I know are curious. For the last 5+ years I have been extra-ordinarily blessed to be in a group of “Energy Healers” practicing many different modalities….
LakeView Neuro Rehab Excerpt from Forgetting To Fly (chapter 19: Sudy’s Triumph) While working at LakeView NeuroRehab I met another young lady that changed my life. Sue D. was a quadriplegic, paralyzed from the neck down. She had a little movement in her right wrist that helped her move her motorized…
Would you ever dye your hair PURPLE? Being an artist means to create YOURSELF the way you IMAGINE. After all, your life is a blank canvas. A great example of this is my grand daughter, Maggi. She was an artist from her very beginning. Last summer she even talked me…
I believe that the idea behind this kid’s simple art lesson… reminds us how to live our best lives: 1.) The dots are numbered so we are thoughtfully directed to the next step… (by the maker). 2.) If we don’t take the next best dot, we get off in a wrong direction….