Have you ever thought what YOUR head-stone would say? This is an interesting topic that I discussed with my clients/art students/patients in rehabilitation centers. Because most were suffering with addictions, this art lesson brought up poignant questions: 1.) WHO will write what’s on your head-stone? 2.) What will it say?…
OMG… I just had a long Spiritual Pause and I’m still on a natural high. Last weekend Energy Workers and Healers from San Diego to the Appalachian Mountains met in the middle, (Andalusia Alabama, no really!) to share talents and experience different modalities of energy work. It was such a gift…
This is proof that there are no coincidences. In a recent Energy Healing class the topic was about freeing-up what has been trapped and bound in our past and come to ourselves FRESH… “like shedding our skin”. I thought of it as sort of a blank canvas. But my teacher…
…as well as hate encourages hate, & chaos generates chaos, & compassion fosters compassion, & calm promotes calm, & love inspires love. There’s SCIENTIFIC PROOF, it’s called the LAW OF ATTRACTION. So, how do we stay calm & peaceful in all this frickin’ chaos going on around us??? This is where the…
I know my blog is suppose to be about “The POWER of ART”… But my last 2 posts were off target, and now again I’m writing about PILLOWS ??? Actually, this might fit into my “supposed blog theme” since creativity has come to the forefront. The Power of creating your…
Some of you know that my Dad was a landscape artist. He would design his client’s yards into a beautiful work of art. He would make drawings of 6 months, 2 years, and 10 years so they could see the growth of the trees and plants over time. My brother…
OMG… I can’t stop laughing. I’m trying to calm myself down and be respectful but… This fish present has me howling while my husband is ready for a divorce. OK, let me start from the beginning: Our good friend John O’Melvany Woods had a birthday party last weekend. Being the…
I did not write a blog last week and I am feeling GUILTY. When I decided to make a weekly commitment to blog about ART WITH A PURPOSE, 42 blogs ago… I knew I had to set aside precious time to feel how art had impacted my life that week… every…
I always knew I was right-brained. … and my brother, Drew, was left-brained. Camping in 1954 Perhaps not the terminology, but I noticed early on that, as siblings, we were completely different. Almost opposite. Drew built extravagant tree forts. I collected moss in the woods behind our house. Drew strategically…
Still thinking about my fire. As you know I lost everything. One “thing” just came back to me, and I’m in complete awe. I wrote my first book, “Coulier’s Island” in the early 1990’s. It took me 2 years to complete. At this time in my life I did not…