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“Sometimes words are not enough

How ART reveals emotions

There are NO mistakes in ART !!! I have this saying written all over my art room. My students hear it in every class. In order for them to believe it…  I must continually remind them. Art is not like math or science, where you need to be exact. Art…

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Kids artwork after 911

911 ARTWORK is powerful and therapeutic.        In order for children (or anyone for that matter) to understand what they are feeling it’s good to draw-it-out. That’s what these kids did in order to understand what was going on around them. When they were finished they were asked, “Tell…

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Our latest batch of “ART ROCKS”

ART Students help to “anonymously” spread joy around Fairhope. How would YOU feel if YOU found one of these art rocks? Just sittin’ there on your path and suddenly in your eyesight. “It’s the nudge that draws you to it”. That is the meaning//reward behind this PAY-IT-FORWARD art class. YOU…

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a CHALLENGE to my innovative Tribe…

Pay it forward… And what better way than to create GOOD FORTUNE, packed tight, in a small painted rock? It’s like finding a shiny coin on your path… a feeling that you are the blessed one. So, let’s help this feeling along… paying it forward… by painting rocks and placing…

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